New Stable Release
Version 🔥
Tech & Features
- New Reddit Channel
- New Initiative: Reward Calendars
- New Tech: Staking System
- New Tech: Multiple 3D Entities
- New Tech: 3D Factory (Open Alpha)
- New Feature: Transmutation
- New Feature: Leaderboards
- New Feature: Notifications
- Refactor: Dev Diary
- New Items!
- New Bridge: Reddit
- Header Navigation
- Sidebar Refactor
- Mana / XP Balancing
- Design Tweaks on Legal Pages
- Icon Artwork
- UI Tweaks > Maven, Creator, Sub
- Featured Image generation
- Hashtag generation
- Dark Mode blocking
- Spellcheck pass
- Knowledge Base fixes
- Navigation Colors
- Duplicate Requests
- Dual Notifications
- Trimmed Roots
- Misc. Fixes
The river is a flowin’! A new stable version has been achieved! This update sees many key features come online and into play.
This includes the newly created Transmutation Bench where you can exchange Mana & XP as well as transfer Mana to other members! You can also view the Styx overall “Marketcap” here.
Your progress across the various disciplines can now be tracked on the leaderboards. There will be an official “start” to the season once we hit version 1.0. Until then, you can get familiar with the various mechanics and use it as practice! Mana, XP, and Eidos are beginning to flow in and out, also a measure for future staking systems. Rewards, quests, and achievements are available for creative and persistent souls.
It’s now also possible to transfer items and adaptables via your Collection. Use with care as we move into a more stable version.
More importantly, more souls are beginning to add content to the stream and some really cool things are starting to appear in the stream! Occasionally friendly spirits may pass by your content and award you with curation and design upgrades!
On the visual front, we’ve got a lot of upgrades to the 3D database and rendering system. Soon this will allow for multiple and interactive 3D elements!

Other than that, there have been a host of tweaks and fixes across the site. I shall endeavor to put up some more detailed dev logs.
Sign up for an Account today, it’s free!
All previous early adopters and beta testers shall receive luscious bonuses!
If you have questions, more information (and a friendly community) is available in our Discord channel.
Also check out the new Nyx Labs Subreddit!
As per usual, I’ll do my best not to blow anything up. ¯ \_(ツ)_/ ¯
A big thank you goes out to all Beta Testers and community members. River levels are beginning to rise 🙂
Much love, ZeroOoC
We're an emerging blockchain content creation platform, NFT Mint, technology community and software studio from Vienna.
Our main project is called STYX!
Carpe noctem >>> seize the night!