STYX /// Lunalia /// v.170124
learn more about the project
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Dear Souls,
you must go through a vetting process during development if you want to “get serious” navigating the River.
Do so here.
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What is STYX?
Imagine giving your “bits” (your digital creations) a unique “color” with which you could always find them again in the ocean that is the internet.
With Styx you can make your creations your own, forever as we build bridges across chains and webs.
Signing up to Styx let’s you experience all new features and special events first hand. Look forward to a lot of developments regarding content, functionality, artwork and design. Furthermore, early adopters will get the chance to participate in unique events during these ai, web3 & blockchain halycon days.

...and much more!


Development Disclaimer:
please keep in mind that STYX is still in development…
…so expect things to be in continuous flux. As a prototype and during deployment (if ever) 100% stability can not be guaranteed.
Please use at your own risk and do your reserch before committing to web3 & A.I. applications.

Flux is expected
First Time Souls
By registering to STYX,
know that you agree to our
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy!
Please read and understand them before signing up!

You may link your Web3 wallet accounts for better security and expedited login. After connecting, you can always view / disconnect your wallet in your internal profile section in the Waterfall.
Further Reading

Travel along the River Styx to locations and shards further downriver.
Keep in mind that the available paths change depending on where you are.
Discovering and interacting with other areas in the river is certain to lead to unexpected outcomes.
Exploration is encouraged.