Thanks to our recent influx of Beta Testers we’ve been able to roll out a new stable version with many new features, tweaks and fixes!
New Features
New Features
- >> A new Hub for Beta Testing has been added! Get an overview of current development and further steps!
- The revamped Ethereum Wallet and Exchange has been put online. Each user automatically receives one that is displayed on their: page. (alternatively via the link at the moment)
Please keep following things in mind:
1. You need to have an account to use these features on both Nyx Labs and MetaMask / Crypto Wallet
2. During the Open Beta phase you are using it AT YOUR OWN RISK. Ethereum Mainnet connection is possible but we STRONGLY RECOMMEND switching to the Ropsten Testnet for the moment.
- >> A “Discussion” tab has been added to products / crafts. It also allows for comment edits, replies, sharing and up/downvotes
- >> Gamification is live! Gain levels through different skill trees by participating in community, market or creative activities!
Members now gain EXP and Ranks depending on interactions, activity and triggers on the site. The reward system is also integrated with the Store. So expect vouchers, buying bonuses, redeemables and more soon.
- >> Updates and touch ups across the board. Check out the revamped Frontpage for instant changes. Now with Call to Action for Beta!
- >> The Register page has been revamped! Sign up today and get involved early ^_^
- >> A range of Nyx themed custom emojis has been added to the Discord and around the Site. We are currently working on a full icon library too!
- >> Social Media blocks have been added to Hub
- >> Your User Profile pages have received some love! Add custom cover art, descriptions and gain insights into advanced privacy settings and more.
- >> The page also has a social share feature now. This extends across all pages, articles and encyclopedia entries.
- Important Tweak @Beta Tester >> The Beta Testing hub has been revamped/reordered. Most vitally a “Beta Primer” has been added. I urge you all to visit and check it out. Read it and understand it. It’s necessary for us to include things like this to keep us all safe. Let me know what you think!
- >> for added security, Strong Passwords are required now. A strong password consists of at least six characters (and the more characters, the stronger the password) that are a combination of letters, numbers and symbols!
- >> Raised the memory limit of the PHP Database from 64mb to 256mb
- >> Implemented 2FA
- >> Implemented URL scrambling
- >> Permissions have been adjusted to display certain content only to logged in Users
- >> Fixed “0” exception which occasionally happened upon User login / redirect.
- >> Fixed various broken links
- >> Fixed Infura API issue
- >> Fixed Backend CSS/JS Display issues
- >> Cards no longer stack wrong and fill space responsively
- >> Fixed error in Vendor orders