Mana Merchant
You come across a tiny floating creature dressed like a wizard, carrying a little lantern!
“Hi!” it exclaims happily. “I’m Swin, a collector of magical items and treasures of sorts. You come across a lot of interesting things if you just travel down the river long enough. I’m happy to trade for some of the things I’ve found!”
It points to its collection, which seems to be contained within its lantern.
“Now then, let’s see what we have in store for you today…”

Turtleshell Cactus
"These cacti are a fairly common sight along the river Styx. They resemble the shell of a Turtle! Cultivating them is a tricky yet fruitful endeavour."
- Search the Lily Ford
- Search Springsap
- Search around the Docks
- Channel some Mana

Springlands Illustrated Map
- Sketch out a crude map
- Wander and memorize the Springlands
- Acquire a Pyroplume
- Channel a decent amount of Mana

Travel along the River Styx to locations and shards further downriver.
Keep in mind that the available paths change depending on where you are.
Discovering and interacting with other areas in the river is certain to lead to unexpected outcomes.
Exploration is encouraged.